How to buy/sell GFT on Defi Wallet?
Last updated
Last updated
We are pleased to announce that you can now buy/sell GFT on Defi Wallet To be able to buy/sell GFT you first need to have an account on
Open app, login and go to Defi Wallet --> Activate
2. Connect wallet
If you don't have a wallet: Create New Defi Wallet
If you already have a wallet: Import Wallet (import your 12 wallet phrases)
3. Add GFT Token smartcontract
Smartcontract: 0xE77932B1216125848e82C3967e75698362168f99
4. Buy/Sell GFT on Defi Wallet
Choose Dapp Pancakeswap
Anable GFT
Swap -> Confirm Swap
Note: You can transfer Usdt from Defi Wallet to Binance Wallet